
8h00 June 22nd - On Site Reception - Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
9h00 Welcome & Introductions
9h20 Session 1 - XR Snippets
  Digital Twins, Immersive Technologies and the Workplace of the Future
Anasol Pena-Rios, BT Research Labs in Adastral Park, Ipswich, UK
9h25 Towards Automating Cinematography in VR
Rene Kaiser, Know-Center, Austria;
Christian Gütl, Graz University of Technology, Austria
9h30 Session 2 - Analytics & Collaboration
  Natural Collaborative Interfaces for XR Immersive Learning
Carlos Cortés; Marta Orduna, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain;
Pablo Pérez, Nokia, Spain;
Narciso García, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
9h45 One-to-Many Remote Scenarios:
The Next Step in Collaborative Extended Reality (XR) Research
Bernardo Marques; Samuel Silva; Paulo Dias; and Beatriz Sousa-Santos,
DETI / IEETA, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
10h00 Deep-Learning based Recommenders for the Improved User Navigation in VR
Murtada Dohan; Mu Mu; Suraj Ajit, The University of Northampton, UK;
Tawfiq A. Al-Assadi, University of Babylon, Iraq;
Gary Hill, Cranfield University, UK;
Andreas Mauthe, University of Koblenz, Germany
10h15 Indoor Planning Using Diminished and Augmented Reality
Werner Bailer; Hannes Fassold, Joanneum Research, Austria;
Vasileios Gkitsas; Petros Drakoulis; Dimitrios Zarpalas,
Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology, Greece;
Robert Huemer, Roomle GmbH, Austria
10h30 Coffee Break
10h50 Keynote 1
Bridging Virtual Reality and Cognitive Training, the Case of Enhance VR
Victòria Brugada-Ramentol, Virtuleap, Portugal
11h35 Session 3 - Remote & Mobile
  Assessment and Tracking of Learning Activities on a Remote Laboratory of Computer Networking using the Inven!RA Architecture
Ricardo Grilo, Universidade Aberta, Portugal;
Ricardo Baptista, Universidade Aberta/INESCTEC/CITECA, Portugal;
Eliane Schlemmer, University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil;
Christian Gütl, Graz Univ. of Tech. Institute for IS and Computer Media, Austria;
Dennis Beck, University of Arkansas, USA;
António Coelho, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal;
Leonel Morgado, Universidade Aberta/ INESCTEC, Portugal
11h50 Mobile XR Interface for Quantum Computing
Alexander Steinmaurer; Blaz Mesarec; Tomaz Mesarec, Graz University of Technology, Austria;
Krzysztof Pietroszek, American University in Washington, USA;
Christian Gütl, Graz University of Technology, Austria
12h05 Refreshment Break
12h20 Session 4 - Learning for Children
  XR and 3D Printing to Support Proving in the Lower School Grades
Lukas Wachter; Melanie Platz; and Lea Marie Müller
Saarland University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Germany
12h35 KIDSTAR: Augmented Reality Reading Tool To Measure Children’s Behavior
Neven ElSayed, Benha Faculty of Computer and Artificial Intelligent, Egypt;
Mahmoud ElKady, APPTCOM R&D Center, Egypt;
Ashraf Shewal, Benha Faculty of Computer and Artificial Intelligent, Egypt
12h50 Lunch Break
14h00 Keynote 2
Empowering Humans in Immersive Learning Environments
Leonel Morgado, INESC TEC / Universidade Aberta, Portugal
14h45 Session 5 - Learning Assessment
Designing and Assessing Learning in VR Using an Evidence-Centered Approach
Kristin Torrence, Talespin, USA
15h00 Refreshment Break
15h10 Session 6 - Demonstration & Discussion
  Counting Rabbits in the Virtual Forest
David Bass-Clark, Unity College, USA;
Heather Dodds, Dodds Consulting, NY, USA
15h50 Wrap Up
16h00 Coffee Break & End